Legacy informations

You are currently connected to the website for reserving the holiday rentals in Europe and tourist packages of PV-CP Distribution, the travel agent of the PIERRE & VACANCES group.

In compliance with the law, we invite you to read these Conditions of Use, as well as any other specific conditions on the pages of the website, covering the use of the website www.pv-holidays.com and your relations with PV-CP Distribution . These Conditions lay down your legal rights and responsibilities that apply when you use this website.

Editorial information

This website is published by: :
PV-CP Distribution
Siège Social :Head Office: Immatriculée au Registre du Commerce et des Sociétés sous le n° 314 283 326
Registered on the Corporate Register under number 314 283 326
Travel Agency licence: LI 075 95 0182
Compulsory Third Party Insurance Company: AXA
Financial Guarantee: B.E.S.V

Use of the website

This website is put at your disposal for free (excluding your connection costs) for your personal use, subject to your compliance with the conditions specified below. Your use of this website implies your full and entire acceptance of all these Conditions of Use.
You can use this website only if you are over 18 years of age and entitled to sign contracts that engage your responsibility (the use of our website by minors is forbidden). You shall be financially responsible for all your uses of the website.
You can use the website only for making reservations or purchases with a legitimate aim. This website is particularly intended for the reservation of holidays and no use or inappropriate aims are authorized, particularly aims that are contrary to the Public Order and Accepted Standards of Behaviour.
Should you fail to comply with these conditions, we reserve the right to block or limit your access to all or part of the website at any time and without notice, without prejudice to any claim for damages.

On-line reservation

If you use the on-line reservation service available on the website, you must acquaint yourself beforehand with our Terms of Sale

Data Protection - Freedom of Information

You entrust information concerning yourself to us in the following cases:
- during the reservation of a stay made on our website,
- in order to keep yourself informed about our special offers, our promotions or any other operation, by registering on our website, by subscribing to the newsletter of our website or by taking part in a competition,
- by taking part in surveys or by making contact with us for a question or a problem

It is up to you to check that the information that you provide for your registration, or at any other time, is correct and complete. To enable us to monitor your file, please inform us immediately about any change in the information supplied when you registered.
In compliance with the Data Protection Act 78-17 of 6 January 1978 covering computer data, files and freedom of access (“Informatique et Libertés”), this website and automated processing of personal data on the website are declared to the independent administrative authority, CNIL.

PIERRE AND VACANCES MAEVA DISTRIBUTION is responsible for processing and managing all the information concerning you with the greatest confidentiality.
This information is used by our internal departments for administrative and commercial purposes to process your order and to personalize the content of our offer and our themed information letters.
All the information requested but not indispensable for the processing of your order shall be clearly specified as optional and you shall be free not to provide it in order to access the next line or page.

In compliance with the Data Protection Act, you are entitled to access, correct and refuse the personal data concerning you.
To do so, please make the request to us, at no cost other than that of sending your request:
- Either on-line to http://www.pv-holidays.com;
- Or by letter, giving your name, first name, address and, if possible, your customer account number, sent to
Groupe Pierre & Vacances
L’Artois – Espace Pont de Flandres
19, rue de Cambrai
75947 Paris Cedex 19

Droit d’auteur / Copyright

All the content featured on the website is protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights which cover the brands and databases, and belongs to PV-CP Distribution.

You can access and display the content of the website on a computer screen, print out individual pages on paper and save these pages in electronic form or on a disk (but not on a server or a backup device connected to a network) for personal purposes (in the framework of your family circle) and not for commercial purposes. Any other reproduction, modification, copy, distribution or use for commercial purposes of all or part of the Content without the written authorisation of Pierre & Vacances is strictly forbidden.

These Conditions grant you no licence to use the brand names, logos or photographs of the subsidiaries of Pierre & Vacances SA, including, but not limited to, “Pierre & Vacances”, “Maeva”, “Pierre & Vacances premium” and “Latitudes Hôtels”.

Limitation of Responsibility and Guarantee Exclusions

PVMD commits to taking special care to ensure the veracity of the information transmitted on the website, particularly concerning the specifications of products and prices, and to keep the website regularly updated. Nevertheless, erroneous information or omissions may be found, notably due to typographical or page layout errors. If you find any errors, you are invited to indicate them to us so that we can make the appropriate corrections.

PVMD reserves the right to modifier any element of the website at its own discretion. In the framework of its policy for updating and optimising the website, PVMD may decide to modify these conditions.
Any dated information that is published on the website is valid only for the specified date. Thus, PVMD reserves the right to put an end to any offer or all its offers on the Internet without notice.

Furthermore, the offers of information, products or services made on the website do not constitute canvassing or any other form of solicitation by PVMD aimed at anyone with a view to their use in geographic areas where the supply of the abovementioned information, products and services is forbidden by the law.

PVMD cannot guarantee uninterrupted access to the website, nor the total absence of errors.
It may happen that the service is interrupted due to maintenance problems or repairs, or as a result of IT problems, an interruption of the Internet service or other unexpected circumstances. Similarly, PVMD is not responsible for the delays, difficulty in using the site, or any incompatibility between the present website and files and your browser or any other program for accessing the website.

PVMD cannot in any circumstance be held responsible for any direct or indirect damage resulting from or following the passing on a virus by a third party via our website and liable to infect your information system following your connection to this website, the use of this website or your browsing around this website. Similarly, PVMD cannot be held responsible for any physical or other damage (including but not limited to technical malfunctioning, disclosure of confidential documents, loss of data), nor for any indirect damage incurred when using or linked to the use of the website.

When you visit our website, a permanent “cookie” (a small text file) is assigned to you and it shall be stored on your computer. The cookie enables us to identify you when you visit our website so that we can improve your browsing on the website and personalize your on-line experience (automatic recognition, memorisation of your favourite residences, etc.).

We also collect technical information on your computer each time that you open a page during your visit to our sites. This information covers your IP address (Internet Protocol), the operating system that you use, the type of browser and the address of the website that you have come from, if relevant. We collect this information in order to improve the quality of your visit experience to our website, and we neither sell nor transfer this information to third parties.

We use a software called UcatchIT, an analysis tool for websites, which provides us with data under a series of headings and a service for monitoring the activities of clients on our website. When you visit our website, we use the cookies to monitor and receive anonymous information about your search activities on our website. The UcatchIT tool enables us to improve your on-line experience and the user-friendliness of our websites. In no circumstances is it used to collect personal information about you, and is never included in your user profile if you are registered on our website.

Most browsers automatically accept these cookies, but you can remove them or activate the rejection of cookies. As each browser is different, you need to check in the “Help” menu of your browser on how to modify your preferences regarding cookies. The website’s behaviour remains the same and all its functionalities are accessible.


To guarantee your security and ensure greater confidentiality, our website uses the SSL 128 bits encrypting protocol. When information is transferred on the network, your credit card number and all the information entered in the different forms is automatically encrypted.
The SSL 128 bits encrypting system (Secure Socket Layer) automatically encodes the information before it is transmitted on the network. When it arrives on our server, it shall be decoded with a single SSL key that enables your browser to make a connection with our website and negotiate a secure channel of communication transparently. Created by Netscape, SSL is now the most commonly used solution and one of the best for making transactions secure.


If you subscribe on our website to receive our newsletters, we send you information likely to interest you by e-mail.
The primary aim of this letter, offered free to netsurfers, is to give information. It contains information enabling you to best use our website and to announce its new features to you.
By creating a "My Account", you agree to receive offers by mail, telephone or email from Groupe Pierre & Vacances CenterParcs brands including Pierre & Vacances, Pierre & Vacances Resorts, Pierre & Vacances Premium, Maeva, Latitudes Hotels, Adagio City Aparthotel, Center Parcs, Sunparks, Pierre & Vacances Property, Citéa and Seniorales. To unsubscribe from these offers please request so by writing to Groupe Pierre & Vacances CenterParcs using the address shown above. If you wish to stop your subscription, you can do so at any time by clicking on the link within the newsletter devised for this purpose at the bottom of the page. If you have a personal account, you can also add or remove your subscriptions in the relevant heading.
In order to meet your needs more effectively, we measure the number of clicks on the links integrated in the newsletters. If you wish to stop your subscription, you can do so at any time by clicking on the link within the newsletter devised for this purpose at the bottom of the page.


PVMD may occasionally organise free competitions and promotions on the website. These are covered by special rules that shall be displayed during these events.

Hypertext links

The creation of hypertext links to the website www.pv-holidays.com is subject to obtaining the prior written.

Applicable law

The present conditions are regulated by and interpreted in accordance with French law.

General clauses

Any transfer of the rights conferred by these conditions is strictly forbidden.

If, for any reason, a competent jurisdiction considers that a provision of these Conditions is invalid, the invalidity of this provision shall in no way affect the validity of the rest of the conditions, which remain in force.

The failure of one of the parties to exercise a right or take legal action in terms of these conditions shall not be regarded as a renunciation of such a right or such action.


For any question, please contact
However, the messages that you send via the Internet can be intercepted on the network. Their confidentiality until they reach us therefore cannot be guaranteed.