Conditions of occupancy for your apartment

1 - Your occupancy rights
Consult the number of weeks you have :
Your 2012-2013 stay entitlement is mentioned for informational purposes in the "Occupancy Rights" table on the "Booking area" page on the basis of a complete lease year. This is expressed in a number of weeks per winter and summer or winter/summer sub-seasons. You can use your stay entitlement for 2012-2013 under the terms and conditions set out in your lease. PV-CP Gestion Exploitation is offering you the opportunity to use these weeks between November 17th, 2012 and November 15th, 2013.
I no circumstances is it possible for any weeks not used as of December 15th, 2013 to be carried over to the following year or give entitlement to compensation.

2- Deadline for making your booking
To access your occupancy or exchange bookings for the High and Very High seasons, you have until :
15th October 2012 for winter
1st March 2013 for summer
You have a sliding deadline of 10 weeks prior to the date of your stay for Low and Mid-Season bookings. For occupation applications, in compliance with your occupancy rights, to be guaranteed it is essential that they are sent to us before the dates mentioned above.

3 - Reservation outside deadlines
Once the contractual deadlines have passed your application will no longer be guaranteed but will be subject to review by our reservations department. You always have the right to exchange your High and Very High rights for Mid-Season and Low Season on the basis of: This is based on 1 HS or VHS = 2 MS or 3 LS.

4 - Confirmation of stay
A confirmation will be sent to you within a maximum of 7 days and the your Holiday File. It is your responsibility to check the booking summary sent by e-mail and to notify us of any anomalies prior to your departure.

5- Arrival and departure
Stay entitlements run from Saturday to Saturday, and from 5pm to 10am.
Irrespective of your actual arrival date, you must observe the contractual departure date You will receive the keys of your apartment for your stay on presentation of your stay voucher.

6- Termination of stay
If it is not possible for you to benefit personally from the whole of your stay entitlement, you may transfer it in whole or in part to third parties. In this case, give them the stay voucher in your possession or a copy of it, accompanied by a letter granting them permission to benefit from occupancy of your apartment.

7 –Reservations for stays that are additional to your rights
If you wish to begin your stay earlier or extend it later, don't forget that as owner you benefit from a commercial discount of 10-20% on our brochure accommodation rates.

8 - Stay Changes- Cancellations
You can change the dates or cancel your stay or your destination until the day before your departure, subject to availability.
- Your new application will be accepted on the basis of availability.
- It is obligatory that this change or cancellation, resulting in a cost of €40 is confirmed by you in writing.